It's been 140 days since we packed up and headed to Europe. From our first sweltering summer days in the Italian Alps to the festive Christmas-y streets of London, we've done a lot. Here's our trip so far by the numbers.
Feet (2,774 meters) of the highest elevation hiked (Courmayeur, Italy, across the valley from Mont Blanc, the tallest peak in Europe)
Wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano surrounding us in the aging room on our tour of a cheese farm/production facility in Parma, Italy
Miles driven (4,423 km)
1,350 Number of steps climbed to the top of Kotor San Giovanni Fortress Walls in Montenegro
837 Times we asked ourselves why Italy doesn't believe in having toilet seats in public rest rooms
Miles (1,307 km) walked

Cats encountered in Croatia and Montenegro (and about 230 fed once we started carrying around cat food with us everywhere; 7 taken to vet to be neutered)
Pandas spotted in the panda game, in which we battle to spot and call out the most ubiquitous and best selling car in Italy, the Fiat Panda (we continued to spot Pandas in France, Croatia, Montenegro and London, so the panda game is on-going and multi-country)

Kilograms, the amount of cheese Joe ordered at the deli counter in Montenegro, equal to 440 pounds...after seeing the surprised look on the worker's face he corrected that to grams (less than half a pound)
People packed into a single rail car on the way to see Siena's Palio horse race - about 51 more than it was meant to hold, making for a very cozy ride
Nights in Airbnbs

Waterfalls visited in Croatian national parks
Lemons purchased to make homemade lemonade everywhere we traveled
Scoops of gelato (most ordered: dark chocolate and pistachio)
81 People gathered outside our Nice, France apartment for a ceremony to christen a new tug boat in the port, complete with French political officials and a flying bottle of champagne shattering into its hull
68 Octopus salads consumed by Joe
Pizzas eaten
Times we bemoaned the fact that European apartments do not have laundry dryers (while hanging clothes on a drying rack or clothesline)
Nights in hotels
Seconds the energy-conserving automatic lights in Italy's men's restrooms stay on before going out and leaving you urinating in the dark (and waving one hand in an attempt to make the light go back on while you can't see the toilet is problematic, according to Joe)
Funicular and gondola rides (Courmayeur, Italy; Bolzano, Italy; Verona, Italy; Salzburg, Austria; Grenoble, France; Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Airline flights (1 missed connection in Paris on our way to Zagreb, Croatia that resulted in 3 lost bags; 1 marathon sprint through two terminals in Frankfurt which resulted in us getting to the gate out of breath as they were about to close the door and 3 of our bags not making it onto our flight)
10 Countries remaining before we head back to the US for a visit (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Switzerland, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus)
Airbnb washing machines with indecipherable icons that make guess-work out of laundry

Total number of bags/luggage we packed for our travels
Water taxis taken in Venice in a single day (twice what we needed to get where we wanted to go because we couldn't figure out the system)
Giraffes seen (3 live ones at Tete d'Or park in Lyon, France and 2 life-sized sculptures at Hôtel Château de La Chèvre d’Or in Eze, France)
Languages learned to say Thank you, Hello, Goodbye and Beer please (Italian, French, Croatian, Montenegrin)
Games of boules played in Corsica
2 Bee stings (Joe: toe in Nice, France; Jennifer: neck in Kotor, Montenegro)
White truffle dug up by the dogs on our truffle hunt in the forest of Motovun, Croatia

0 Days we've regretted setting off on our worldwide adventure
It's been an interesting journey so far, lots of fun, a bunch of oops moments, and so many new experiences. The world is a beautiful, quirky, fascinating, and exciting place. We can't wait to see more of it!
Come along on our next adventure! Follow us on Instagram (Worldwide.Wizas) and Subscribe to our blog today!
Enjoy a taste of our travels with drink recipes on Instagram - Worldwide.Cocktails.
What?! You're playing Panda without me?!
You two are my heros! After just two weeks in New Zealand and Australia, Angelo and I were itching to be home. We couldn’t find a good burger in New Zealand or Australia. lol
That magical number SEVEN cats taken to vet to be neutered should be highlighted! (Wait! I thought there were EIGHT) And don't forget the countless hundreds of unwanted kittens you saved from suffering!
Those were the most impressive and beautiful numbers of your trip so far!! 😽😽😽
Gratefully, Kotor Kitties